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May 26, 2019

Shukri Addo BSN is a woman on fire! She is a proud mom of an adorable son and a nurse with a penchant for global health advocacy and nursing informatics. 

She shares her incredible story of how she tapped into her intrinsic resilience during a very difficult time in her life when she was faced with several unexpected...

May 19, 2019

Have you ever wanted to just face your fears like a victor? 

In solo episode, Dr. G shares about a time in her life when she fell flat on her face but got back up again. She also shares about how changing our mindset can be pivotal in being able to face fear and punch it in the face like that champion that you...

May 12, 2019

Dr. Sharon McLaughlin is board certified in plastic surgery. She has an interest in green living and reducing chemicals in our life. She also helps inspire women to build their businesses and work on personal growth. You can learn more at

Are you an entrepreneurial mom just starting or have...

May 5, 2019


Thank you for taking the time to listen to the podcast. Your time is precious, and I genuinely appreciate you choosing to spend your time here. 


Recently, I crowdsourced some tips for facing fear on Instagram.  Three of the shared tips are shared and elaborated on or editorialized by yours truly.